How to convert a stream of images to video file

Hello all,

I succeeded to capture a stream of image of my game with Application.CaptureScreenshot()
And now I search to convert it to a video in Unity for integrate later in game.
I search and I found solutions with .Net but unity and .Net are not totally compatible according to the version

Have you got ideas to do it?

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Blender is pretty good to take a series of static frames and make them into a movie.

From memory this is actually the recommended work flow.

it’s possible to make a script with blender?
I search to make this video automatically in c# for integrate this feature in my game

this might work also, for capturing videos:
(asset store has few runtime recorders also)

Are you making some game replay videos or …?

yes I try to have both, a solution to have a game replay videos with a mean to export this video

@mgear FrameCapturer doesn’t seem to work with MacOs :S but this is what I want

Have you looked into Everplay?

Yes I looked into Everplay but it’s only for mobile if I’m not wrong

Assuming you have multiple images per frame, you could play the images in sequential order using a coroutine possibly. Might not be fluent though.

Yes SubZeroGaming it’s a possibility if it’s fluent but I really need to export a video file

Try this one please Unity - Scripting API: MediaEncoder

This works only in the editor.

There was something about this in the forum about one or two weeks ago, which was solved - it may have been in the animation section …

I am interested if you find a solution.
I am trying to record video of the game in runtime.

We need a solution please, I am not smart to encode an .mov myself


Have a look at ffmpeg. It’s a jam-packed command line tool to process video. You could wrap it inside a c# script.

How does one use ffmpeg with unity?

Maybe this could help?