How to convert an inputfield's string to an int? (C#)

I’m trying to make an interactive random number generator, and I have two inputfields for the minimum and the maximum values. I know you can make a string to an int by doing int.Parse(variable), but if I do that Visual Studio gives me an error saying "Cannot implicitly convert type “int” to “UnityEngine.UI.Text”. Below is my code if it helps.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Controller : MonoBehaviour {
    public Text randomMin;
    public Text randomMax;

    private void Start()
        randomMin = int.Parse(randomMin.text);
        randomMax = int.Parse(randomMax.text);
    void updateMin (int Minimum)
        randomMin = Minimum;
    void updateMax (int Maximum)
        randomMax = Maximum; 

randomMin is of type Text, which is is the component. You mean to assign its text property.

randomMin.text = int.Parse(randomMin.text);
randomMax.text = int.Parse(randomMax.text);