How to convert to 2D

The script below is one for a 3d Object but I need its functionality, but I’m having trouble converting it so that I can use it in Unity’s new 2d platform with the 2d colliders and rigidbodies this script is made for the default rigid bodies and colliders? Can anyone help!

 var normalCollisionCount = 1;
var moveLimit = .5;
var collisionMoveFactor = .01;
var addHeightWhenClicked = 0.0;
var freezeRotationOnDrag = true;
var cam : Camera;
private var myRigidbody : Rigidbody;
private var myTransform : Transform;
private var canMove = false;
private var yPos : float;
private var gravitySetting : boolean;
private var freezeRotationSetting : boolean;
private var sqrMoveLimit : float;
private var collisionCount = 0;
private var camTransform : Transform;
function Start () {
	myRigidbody = rigidbody;
	myTransform = transform;
	if (!cam) {
		cam = Camera.main;
	if (!cam) {
		Debug.LogError("Can't find camera tagged MainCamera");
	camTransform = cam.transform;
	sqrMoveLimit = moveLimit * moveLimit;	// Since we're using sqrMagnitude, which is faster than magnitude
function OnMouseDown () {
	canMove = true;
	gravitySetting = myRigidbody.useGravity;
	freezeRotationSetting = myRigidbody.freezeRotation;
	myRigidbody.useGravity = false;
	myRigidbody.freezeRotation = freezeRotationOnDrag;
	yPos = myTransform.position.y;
function OnMouseUp () {
	canMove = false;
	myRigidbody.useGravity = gravitySetting;
	myRigidbody.freezeRotation = freezeRotationSetting;
	if (!myRigidbody.useGravity) {
		myTransform.position.y = yPos-addHeightWhenClicked;
function OnCollisionEnter () {
function OnCollisionExit () {
function FixedUpdate () {
	if (!canMove) return;
	myRigidbody.velocity =;
	myRigidbody.angularVelocity =;
	myTransform.position.y = yPos;
	var mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
	var move = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Vector3(mousePos.x, mousePos.y, camTransform.position.y - myTransform.position.y)) - myTransform.position;
	move.y = 0.0;
	if (collisionCount > normalCollisionCount) {
		move = move.normalized*collisionMoveFactor;
	else if (move.sqrMagnitude > sqrMoveLimit) {
		move = move.normalized*moveLimit;
    myRigidbody.MovePosition(myRigidbody.position + move);
@script RequireComponent(Rigidbody)

To make it 2d, you have to replace the rigidbody and the collider(s) with their 2d counterparts.

  • Rigidbody2D
  • Collider2D
  • Change 3D Vectors used in physics to 2D Voctors
  • There is no RigidBody2D.useGravity, use Rigidbody2D.gravityScale.
  • There is no RigidBody2D.freezeRotation, you might be able to set Rigidbody2D.angularDrag to float.Infinity(depends on Unity’s Box2D Implementation).

I haven’t dived into the camera issue yet, but I’ll get back when I can.