How to convert UnityChan/Eye Shader to URP ?

Hi! I’ve downloaded a nice asset from store, but with a SRP shader, the text shader is very little and it looks very simple, but I don’t know how to convert it to URP, some help to translate it to URP, please?

Shader "UnityChan/Eye"
        _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1, 1, 1, 1)
        _ShadowColor ("Shadow Color", Color) = (0.8, 0.8, 1, 1)
        _MainTex ("Diffuse", 2D) = "white" {}
        _FalloffSampler ("Falloff Control", 2D) = "white" {}
        _RimLightSampler ("RimLight Control", 2D) = "white" {}


            Cull Back
            ZTest LEqual
#pragma multi_compile_fwdbase
#pragma target 3.0
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc"
#include "AutoLight.cginc"
#include ""

    FallBack "Transparent/Cutout/Diffuse"

Thank you a lot!

The shader code is hidden a bit, it’s actually inside of those files referenced by those #include blocks. From your small code snippet, it looks like it’s written using cgprogram rather than hlslprogram with the old builtin macros. You’ll need to convert the stuff in the cg files to be .hlsl files to include, update all the macros inside, and then update this file to remove the unity cg include files and replace them with their urp equivs.