How to correctly listen to changes in a IMGUIContainer with UIToolkit

Everything work as intended when I am drawing my scriptable object inside an EditorWindow with a VisualTreeAsset, but I don’t know how to listen to changes inside an IMGUIContainer. Or maybe another approach is better, anything will help thank you :slight_smile:

			_levelInspector = new InspectorElement(_selectedLevel)
				dataSourceType = typeof(Level)
			// ...
			_levelInspector.Bind(new SerializedObject(_selectedLevel));
			_imguiLevelContainer = _levelInspector.Q<IMGUIContainer>();
			_imguiLevelContainer.onGUIHandler = () =>
					// how can I draw the inspector of imguiLevelContainer to listen to changes

				if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
					Debug.Log("Did change");

Edit : You can listen to changes with TrackSerializedObjectValue so any changes in the IMGUIContainer will trigger a change event :

SerializedObject so = new SerializedObject(_myObject);
_imguiContainer.TrackSerializedObjectValue(so, (serializedObject) =>
	Debug.Log("On changed");

It also work in you do it in the InspectorElement that contain the IMGUIContainer:

_inspectorElement.TrackSerializedObjectValue(so, (serializedObject) =>
	Debug.Log("On changed");
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