How to count down by mouse click?

Hi, I have a code like this.

text = GUI.TextField(new Rect (10, 190, 80, 20), text);
text = Regex.Replace(text, @"[^0-9 ]", "");

I convert this code from string value to int value.

int i = string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? 0 : int.Parse(text);
num = Convert.ToInt32(i);

The codes work fine in this way.Later,

num -= rock;
if (num <= 0)
num = 0;
Debug.Log("Nice Try!");

I want the number in the text box to be reduced when I click the mouse.The problem is that only one number can be reduced.

What do I need to do to reduce it to zero?

            STR     İNT                             This is what I want.
  • 1.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 2.Click ===>> [5] => [3]

  • 3.Click ===>> [5] => [2]

  • 4.Click ===>> [5] => [1]

  • 5.Click ===>> [5] => [0]

           STR     İNT                             But it happens this way.
  • 1.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 2.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 3.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 4.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 5.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 6.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • 7.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

  • / / /

  • / / /

  • 50.Click ===>> [5] => [4]

First you say: “I want the number in the text box to be reduced” and then Under the “This is what I want” you present you only want to reduce the int so in case you want to reduce the text, according your first statement, something like this should work:

string text = "5";
    void ReduceNum()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            int num = string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) ? 0 : int.Parse(text);
            text = num.ToString();
                Debug.Log("Nice try!");

Of course in that way everything is based on the text and the num does NOT pesists. There are better ways to achieve this but with the info you provide i can’t guide you further than that. Anyway the problem in your code is that you never update the text.

Note: You don’t need the line
num = Convert.ToInt32(i); as int.Parse does already return an Int32