How to create 3d direction arrow like What The Golf?

Hi all,

I am trying to make a golf prototype as I learn Unity (I am very much a beginner). I want to create something like 0:22 of the What The Golf Trailer, which looks like a 3d direction arrow.

Since I am a beginner, I’m not sure how it works. It it just an outlined arrow that is then using some kind of fill shader to do the fill? It looks like the fill also has some height. For the arrow, can I make the outlined arrow in Blender?

Thanks for your help

Probably a few things going on.

The white outline is likely a shader on an otherwise invisible mesh. Likely a toon outline shader, of which there are plenty on the asset store.

The arrow is likely a model made up of two parts, a cube that gets scaled along one axis, and a the ‘point’ (the triangle at the end) that gets positioned to match the length of the cube. These would be siblings with a common parent, rather than parent-child, so the cube can be scaled without affecting the scale of the point at the end.

Then it’s a matter of setting up a prefab with all this, writing a component to interface with it, and using that as needed. Like a lot of things in game dev, it’s made up of many smaller parts.

Thanks, I just have one follow up. Why would the outline shader be on an invisible mesh vs. on the arrow since it seems to outline the arrow? Is this because you couldn’t apply the shader to the parent of these two in which case you would need to have an invisible mesh that matches the size of the arrow and then apply the outline to that?

From what I’m seeing the outline is always at the full possible length, and the red inner arrow is stretching out to fill the outline, hence why the suggestion to have the outline on another object which represents the maximum length it can reach.