I want to generate skinned mesh procedurally at the Awake message. But I also want it to show in edit mode, so I mark the MonoBehaviour as ‘ExecuteInEditMode’.
But that will make generate many skinned gameobject when switch edit and play mode. So I first tag the generated child gameobject as EditorOnly, and add hide flag: DontSaveInBuild | DontSaveInEditor to it. Then I delete the generate mesh in awake before generate a new one.
But I still met many problem in such a solution, the most important one is about the prefab. Each time I run the game will break the prefab(because it delete gameobject), it not what I want. And I look the content of the prefab, even I marked the “EditorOnly” tag, the generated gameobject always write into the file, hope the build time will strip them.
How can I process this problem?
Thank you~