Hi there,
I want to create a Fish Eye Camera effect.
The Unity docs say Unity can, but maybe they are outdated? - Something about a Standard Effects Package (which is not currently in the Unity Registry) and also Antialiasing, but since I am not getting Step 1, I guess Step 2 is not happening.
I did find an asset in the store, but I did not find it to be reliable.
So, does anyone know of a good way to generate a fish eye camera lens?
If you don’t need it for the entire screen, I would suggest a render texture, applied to a mesh with UVs that are not perfectly rectangular. If you do need it for the entire screen, that may still be the best approach but the effect can break down at that scale and it can be a significant performance hit; a post-processing step can do it more smoothly but it’s still going to be a costly effect.