How to create a grid with four 4 triangle squares?

I’m trying to make a grid of squares that’s divided twice, instead of once. I got a row that creates perfectly, but when z > 0, the top and right triangles don’t show up correctly.

	void genSquare(int x, int z)

		verts.Add (new Vector3(x,  0, z));
		verts.Add (new Vector3(x + 1,  1, 0));
		verts.Add(new Vector3(x, 0, z - 1));
		verts.Add (new Vector3(x + 1, 0, z - 1));
		verts.Add (new Vector3(x + 0.5f,  0f, z - 0.5f));

		tris.Add ((squares * 5)+ 2);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 0);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 4);

		tris.Add ((squares * 5)  + 3);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) +  2);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 4);

		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 1);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 3);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 4);

		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 0);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 1);
		tris.Add ((squares * 5) + 4);



I think the problem is your second vertex: (x + 1, 1, 0) instead of (x+1, 0, z), it’s the superior right corner and if z>1 then it becomes the inferior right corner, which screws everything. Also I think the y value is a mistake too.

I’m barely sure you’ll reply that you corrected it already, don’t worry, everyone knows you have to ask someone before you find the answer yourself. :smiley: