How to create a muzzle flash particle using legacy particles?

Basicaly what the questions says.

I wanna place particle prefab in front of my weapon barrel to simulate muzzle flash when I shoot and I have a texture for it ,but I dont know how to make that particle ,actually I dont even know where to start (when it comes to MUZZLEFLASH particle prefab)

Please help if you can.

Ok I’ll write you through.

Create a particle system and set its startLifetime to 0.2 and adjust the start size as you like. Next, make sure looping is turned off and max particles is set to 1. Go over to emission tab and set rate to 0 and add a burst set time to 0 and particles to 1. Then go over to shape and make sure radius is at least 0.01 and now it’s time for the renderer. Before we start doing stuff under the renderer tab, let’s create a material first. Right click somewhere on your projects window and select Create > Material and name your material, let’s say it’s MuzzleMat. Select muzzlemat and attach your muzzle texture to this material. Then you need to select a particle shader. I’d recommend additive shader for a muzzle effect. Select Particles > Additive as your shader. You can also experiment with other particle shaders and see what you can come up with. Now back to our particle system. Go over to renderer tab and attach muzzlemat to material section. Deselect cast shadows and receive shadows options. BAM! There you have your muzzle effect. I haven’t actually tried this but I’m sure it’ll work just as you expect if you tweak the settings a bit to make it more realistic and pleasing to eye.

It’s a little long but it’s worth reading if you’re new to particle system in Unity. Sorry if I missed anything because I’m not at home at the moment so I can’t really test it myself. Good luck

Well after some time of testing and trying legacy shaders I managed to solve my problem on my own with legacy shaders indeed and gain new knowlage about this. Basicaly best way to do muzzle flash is by using legacy shaders imo ,easier to modify in this case ,problem is solved.