How to create a realistic Moon that move trought the sky.

Hi! I’m doing a planet.

So far, i got a terrain, texture and light of the sun.
Now, i need to know if there’s a way i create a moon that rises and then “go away” ( forgot the word lol)

if i create a plane with texture, it need to be very far, right?
but the “original” moon it very very far, you cant move around it if you’re in the earth.

so, i dont know how to do it
Anyone can help me?


You can try to create a fake perspective just changing the size of the moon and putting the field of view very high, that creates that “fish eye” effect.

I hope helps you.

An easy way to create is moon is to just use a sphere. To get the moon to rise and set start with an empty game “at the center of the world.” Place the sphere in she sky, adjusting it until it looks right, then make the moon a child of the empty game object. Then attach a script to the empty game object to make it rotate. The moon will follow along in its arc appearing to rise and set.

Another way to animate the moon is to use Quaternion.Slerp() there is an example script there for making a sun rise and set.