How to create a script that shows the object in unity

I would like to create a script which will show an object in my game, e.g. a red dot, and after a few milliseconds it will disappear. i would like the script to be very short and to work quickly because it’s all about milliseconds.

You can create shader graph like this;

You can change color via inspector.
You should add your textures which is normal map or base texture.

Click the outline float variable and get the reference name.


and on your script you should write code something like this (i didn’t checked my code but its probably has no problem);

        public interface IInteractable
            public void Interact();

        public class TheScriptShouldOnTheObjectNotPlayer : MonoBehaviour, IInteractable
            private Renderer _rendererPlayer;

            private void Start()
                _rendererPlayer = GetComponent<Renderer>();

            IEnumerator CreateDot(float totalSecond)
                float totalTime = 0;
                _rendererPlayer.material.SetFloat("_outLine", 2);
                while(totalTime <= totalSecond)
                    totalTime += Time.deltaTime;

                    yield return null;
                _rendererPlayer.material.SetFloat("_outLine", 0);

            public void Interact()

        public class PlayerScript : MonoBehaviour
            private float _rayDistance = 5; // distance ray
            private RaycastHit _raycastHit;
            private void FixedUpdate()
                if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out _raycastHit, _rayDistance))
                    Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * _raycastHit.distance, Color.yellow);
                    var interactable = _raycastHit.collider.GetComponent<IInteractable>();