I’m very much new to creating shaders and using the shader graph but have been using Unity for many years. I’m attempting to make a shader for a tower defense game that would allow the player to select the tower and see the towers range/area of effect, much like they do in Dungeon Defenders. I’ve been unable to achieve the effect of having an area highlight and conform to terrain height, and of course I do not want it to affect the player(s) that may be standing in the area. Meaning, only show on specific layers.
Here are a few examples
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
I may be going about this the wrong way and this might be a VFX? I’ve tried that too, so either way I need to be pointed in the right direction lol
Basically how do I achieve an effect that lets me draw a target area on the ground that conforms to height and can ignore specific layers like players? It would not be confined to a circle so I need to be able to use whatever shape I want.
Weather this is done through Shader or VFX, would someone be able to point me to a specific resource that would help teach me how to do this, or maybe give me a high level overview of the steps I would need to take? I’ve been trying to do this for some time now and I can’t quite get it and haven’t had any luck finding tutorials online to do something like this. My thought was to apply a shader to an object that would only draw on things it intersected with. I’ve kind of achieved this in shader graph using a sphere/cube but I haven’t figured out how to make it ignore specific layers.
Thank you