Unity js is not the same as browser js, as far as I know you can not assign dynamic properties in unity js. You can probably make some kind of dictionary and stick it in a component that all other components look up with GetComponent
sorry I use c# instead of js, but you could do this,
// on Awake in SomeScript.cs
foreach(GameObject gameObject in chuncks) {
// set in OneScript.cs
gameObject.GetComponent<SharedDictionary>().shared["newvariable"] = new Int(5); // or however you reference an int
// get in AnotherScript.cs
Int oldvariable = gameObject.GetComponent<SharedDictionary>().shared["newvariable"] as Int;
// SharedDictionary.cs
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class SharedDictionary : Component {
public IDictionary<string, object> shared = new Dictionary<string, object>();