how to create an access policy?

Could you explain in detail how to create an access policy? I don’t know Java, only know C#, but I’ve installed the CLI, logged in, and set up the permissions. However, I still can’t understand how to write the policy I want. It seems that I should create a JSON file and upload it via the UGS CLI. Below is a sample, but I want to create a policy file as I wish. I’ve looked through the documents and googled it, but I can’t find how to write it. It’s too hard for me. I just want to remove the user’s ability to adjust, issue, or delete item quantities and currency on the client side in the economy section, and have only the cloud code execute these actions.

The sample content I found in the documents is as follows, but I don’t understand it at all:
“Statements”: [
“Sid”: “DenyAccessToAllServices”,
“Action”: [
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:”,
“Version”: “1.0.0”

I tried to solve this and completed the json file with the appropriate type. I even published it via cli, but haven’t confirmed it’s working yet. Below is the content of my json file. Hope this helps someone… ( After final modification, it seems to be working as desired. If a problem arises, I will fix it again if possible.)
Allowed Actions:

  • Allow - Anonymous Sign Up
  • Allow - External Token Sign In
  • Allow - Session Token Sign In
  • Allow - Link External Id
  • Allow - Get PlayerInfo
  • Allow - Get JWKS
  • Allow - Read GetPlayers Configuration
  • Allow - Read Player currency
  • Allow - Read inventory
  • Allow - Write Purchase Virtual
  • Allow - Write Purchase GooglePlayStore
  • Allow - Write Purchase AppleAppstore
  • Allow - Read Leaderboards
  • Allow - Read CloudSave PlayerDataKey
  • Allow - Read&Write CloudSave PlayerDataItem // OnlySelf
  • Allow - Write Query Default PlayerData
  • Allow - Read CloudSave Public PlayerDataKey // maybe Another Player
  • Allow - Read CloudSave Public PlayerDataItem // maybe Another Player
  • Allow - Write Query Public PlayerData
  • Allow - Read CloudSave Default GameDataItem
  • Allow - Write Access Cloud Code Module
  • Allow - Write Access Cloud Script
  • Allow - Write Access Subscription Token

Denied Actions:

  • Deny - Unlink External Id
  • Deny - Delete Player
  • Deny - Write Player currency
  • Deny - Write Inventory
  • Deny - Write CloudSave

“statements”: [
“Sid”: “Deny-all-ugs-access”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: [“"],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:
“Sid”: “Allow-Anonymous-SignUp”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:player-auth:/*/authentication/anonymous

“Sid”: “Allow-External-Token-SignIn”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:player-auth://authentication/external-token**"
“Sid”: “Allow-Session-Token-SignIn”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:player-auth:/
“Sid”: “Allow-Link-External-Id”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:player-auth://authentication/link/**"
“Sid”: “Deny-Unlink-External-Id”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: ["
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:player-auth://authentication/unlink/**"
“Sid”: “Allow-Get-PlayerInfo”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:player-auth:/
“Sid”: “Deny-Delete-Player”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:player-auth://users**"
“Sid”: “Allow-Get-JWKS”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:player-auth:/.well-known/"
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-GetPlayers-Configuration”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:economy:/
“Sid”: “Deny-Write-Player-currencies”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://currencies
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-Player-currencies”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://currencies
“Sid”: “Deny-Write-Inventory”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://inventory
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-inventory”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://inventory
“Sid”: “Allow-Write-Purchase-Virtual”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://purchases/virtual
“Sid”: “Allow-Write-Purchase-GooglePlayStore”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://purchases/googleplaystore
“Sid”: “Allow-Write-Purchase-AppleAppstore”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:economy://purchases/appleappstore
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-Leaderboards”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:leaderboards://leaderboards/
“Sid”: “Deny-Write-All_CloudSave”,
“Effect”: “Deny”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save:/"
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-CloudSave-PlayerDataKey”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: "urn:ugs:cloud-save:/
“Sid”: “Allow-ReadAndWrite-CloudSave-PlayerDataItem”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: ["
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://players/*/items
“Sid”: “Allow-Write-CloudSave-PlayerDataItemBatch”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://players/*/item-batch
“Sid”: “Allow-Write-Query-Default-PlayerData”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://players/query
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-CloudSave-Public-PlayerDataKey”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://players/*/public/keys
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-CloudSave-Public-PlayerDataItem”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://players/*/public/items
“Sid”: “Allow-Write-Query-Public-PlayerData”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Write”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://players/public/query
“Sid”: “Allow-Read-CloudSave-Default-GameDataItem”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“Read”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-save://custom/*/items
“Sid”: “Allow-Access-Cloud-Code-Module”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [““],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-code://modules/
“Sid”: “Allow-Access-Cloud-Script”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [”
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-code://scripts/
“Sid”: “Allow-Access-Subscription-Token”,
“Effect”: “Allow”,
“Action”: [“*”],
“Principal”: “Player”,
“Resource”: “urn:ugs:cloud-code://subscriptions/tokens/


Hi, you can find the Access CLI documentation here: Upsert Player Policy | Unity Services Web API docs

Here you can find the policy definition schema Resource Definitions | Unity Services Web API docs

Your policy seems correctly formatted, let me know if you have other questions.

Hi moontaehyeongame, it looks like you managed to get yourself set up with the UGS CLI for Access Control.

I wanted to let you know that a new package now has editor support for Access Control. To use the package:

  • Go to Windows > Package Manager
  • Click on the + button
  • Choose “Install package by name…”
  • Enter “”
  • Click “Install”

The new package allows you to create a local configuration in your project to represent your policies with Access Control. You can create a policy with the context menu Create > Access Control Configuration.

You can find the full documentation here.

I went ahead and tested out your current configuration with the Editor package to make sure everything was working as expected.

If you have any other questions, let us know.


There’s a new update!. The update speed of Unity Cloud Service is amazing, so I always look forward to it. It’s a good update, but I had a lot of trouble creating the access policy. Before, I didn’t even know what a schema was. Additionally, I think it would be helpful to many people if the ability to visually check and edit the list of policies in the policy editor is added.

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Our team is happy to hear you look forward to our updates!

We do not have an ETA at this time, but our team is looking to work on inspectors for the Editor integrations of the cloud services to help reduce the barrier to entry. We’ll make sure to share these updates on the forums. Specifically for Access Control, keep an eye out for updates to the package.


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Thanks Eric, this new workflow should really be highlighted in the documentation too. Can the team add it there too?

EDIT: it seems that it’s explained here