How to create an animation hands (or script) to pick-up a cup from the table in 3ds max or maya or from direct unity! Please help!!

How to create an animation hands (or script) to pick-up a cup from the table in 3ds max or maya or from direct unity! Please help!!

Hi - this question is a bit vague - you can find animation tutorials from the internet, for example cgtuts and cgforums. You might also want to learn about IK (inverse kinematics) If you want the hand to attach to the object. Again this is a broad topic. You cannot animate characters directly in Unity yet but you can import animations you have created or bought from the asset store and apply IK to pick up the cup.

Using the mecanim animation system in Unity allows you to import and edit animation clips. Here is an excellent tutorial by Will Goldstone:

Good luck with your research and have fun!

One option is to use the ik link on a biped in 3ds max. You can have the hand bone parented to the cup and have it follow the cup wherever you move it for however many key frames you want at any time you want even for more than one sequence like if he picked up a cup, set it down then picked it up and threw it across the room. all you would need is to set the link value to 1 when he picked up the cup,set to zero when he put it down, then 1 when he picked it up and zero again when the cup leaves his hand