How to create better lighting?

A lot of the places around my game seem to have their lighting off, it is as if light doesn’t exist there. As if everything becomes the same color, and its not until you put a point light or something next to the objects that you can even tell something is in front of you:

No Light:

With a light:

How can I create the ‘Fake Sun’ effect that most games have, like in DayZ, heading inside a building, sure there are no lights on but you can still see everything perfectly fine, even at night.

Oh and yes there is a light source there, just left of the player is the door. as well as there is no roof:

(That odd cyan color is the sky, it looks ugly but I will change it )

Also some details:
The whole map is under a Directional light which I use as the sun
Here is its settings / components:

No need for triple posting. Just edit your main posting by clicking on the little “Edit” button inside your post :slight_smile:

I will keep that in mind in the future :slight_smile:

But can anyone help me?

So can anyone help me out? I have another example where it does it in my game:

Just odd, doesn’t make much sense. That is usppost to be the corner of a building

You are maybe searching for Ambient Light ?

Ambient Light?

I don’t know, I just want to be able to actually see shit in my game without having to put a point light next to everything

If its too dark, you need more light.
If you don’t like to put more light sources in your scene, use Ambient light.

Wow, that sounds really useful! Can I get a link on how to add ambient light?

I do not have Unity Pro if that is a requirement ;(

$1500? $75 A month?

I would have to be a big-time company to afford that :c

Well at least where i am from, I live in a small town ghetto area, so money is a problem here.

You don’t need Pro for ambient light, it’s a setting in Edit → Render Settings.

The lighting is still off.

It seems like there is still no depth to the world

The editor with lighting Enabled:

The editor with lighting Disabled:
It doesn’t make any sense.

Other areas of my game seem to look better with lighting disabled too.

A building:

Lighting off:

Lighting on:

Creating a very low intense second DIrectional light seemed to solve the problem, but I was wondering if there were any better solutions?

You have Fog on. Turn it off. Does it make any difference?

No not really, fog turned on it just for fog sake, it shouldn’t effect that lack of lighting

Bake The Global Illumination With BEAST

Please explain :slight_smile: