How to create Color from 0-255 RGBA values?

How do you change the color to blue in this line of a script:

new Color(1, 0, 0, 0.75f) 

So that part makes the red color, but how would i make it blue? because I tried r g b values and those didn’t work.

This is the color that I’m trying to get.

R: 1

G: 130

B: 255

A: 255

but in that script format.


Color32 uses 0-255 value range

var col = new Color32( 1 , 130 , 255 , 255 );


Color uses 0-1 value range

var col = new Color( 1f/255f , 130f/255f , 255f/255f , 255f/255f );

Both are a valid ways to express color. Color32 offers less color range but that is irrelevant in most use cases.