How to create complex random characters?

Hi! I’m working on a game where characters have a lot of importance, they are complex, quite a few stats, traits, and minor things like things they like to do or not. What would be the best way to go about this?

On a side note, I was also thinking about traits/words describing their personality being like on a spectrum. F.E: Instead of liking, disliking, or not caring about X, it’s gradual, like going from 0-10/20 (maybe doing that and then assigning it? Would having 2 strings, 1 with the traits, stats… and another one with a random number work? Could it be possible to get both values together? I think so, but it just came to my head, and I barely know Unity or programming)

Would it be better to use lists? I thought about it, but didnt know how to get a random one from the list, as I couldnt use .Lenght

Also, how would you “save” the characters when the player leaves the place? I was planning on “simmulating” what happens to those characters

Anyway, how would you go about making complex characters randomly generated?

If anyone could help I’d really appreciate it. I have a lot of questions. I get ideas about how to programm things into the the game, but it’s hard dealing with the doubts


first of all, just program randomizing names. then adding one trait till your satisfied with the outcomes, maybe a third. then do the save load of names. then multiple values. see what’s working and what’s not. extend from there.
the importance is to do things step by step, small pieces. from what your saying your lack of skills would otherwise just frustrate you.