How to create my own "detail mesh" and paint it on

I have some .obj models, but I can’t get them painted on the terrain, anyone have done it?

Cant get them painted?

I think you have to create a texture for the object and do UVWrapping of the model, I’m not sure/not aware of that you can paint models in Unity :?

No, I think he means painting the model as detail mesh on terrain, like trees, stones etc.

You have to give more details, why can’t you paint them on terrain? An error shows up? Do they render with glitches? etc.

There is no error. I choose the model, then I try to paint it like trees or grass as detail mesh and nothing show up.

Also with that same model, I can place it one by one if I drag it from the project panel.

Are you using 3dsmax ?
If thats the case, I found this problem too. (I think it´s Max exotic coordinates system again)

Could not see my custom trees until I realised
their pivots gets wrongly oriented when used as
a detail mesh/tree. (lying on the ground)

But if placed as an normal stand alone gameobject the pivot is right.
I think this is bug.

How to fix:

In 3dsmax change the viewport either left or right, doesn´t matter

Select your tree

From hierarchy panel

1.-> affect pivot only
2.-> angle snap on
3.-> rotate the pivot 90 degrees clockwise/cc if rightview :stuck_out_tongue:
4.-> Do NOT reset Xform (or you have to do this again)
5.-> export
6. Paint your custom trees :slight_smile:

Hope this helps !


The problem could also be the size of the objects. Try to change the scale in the FBX importer.

@Lakru, Yes :slight_smile:

In 3dsmax change the units as:

Display Units Scale : Meters

System Unit Scale : Centimeters

and you´re good to go !


And remember to scale your *.obj model as well.


I have blender.

OK, have you tried exporting simple things like primitives ?

Create a cube, → do your Blender magic

Whambam ? :slight_smile:

Ya I imported a flower, some kinda 2 planes with a image of a flower, with a transparent background.

Yea, but try some REALLY simple primitives (cube, ball) without any transparency etc. just some plain texture.

The glitch could be in texture , or in the *.obj geometry, just systematically eliminate all possibilities what might be causing this.

Also have you checked that the texture is power of 2 ?

E.g 128 x 128, 256 x 256, 512 x 512 NOT 550 x 245 ?

(all my textures are x2)
Ok, here is the result.

  • Created the unity primitive cube, worked.

I tryed a cube.

  • Export .obj Fragmotion= Unity crash
  • what was created in Frgmotion, imported in blender. Export .fbx - Don’t show (no crash)
  • Same in export .fbx - same result
  • Created a cube in blender export in .blend - don’t show.

Conclusion blender dose not work well on that part with detail.

Did some other test with blender, exporting in .3ds and it work. Kinda weird. The mesh that look ok (before.jpg), but have seams :frowning: show really tinny in detail mesh, and they are not as nice (after.jpg).


Sounds like an exporter bug to me.
Same quirk as the using 3dsmax made objects as tree/detail
brush (this darned pivot flipping thing).

Too bad :frowning:

I use tree magic, same as Plant life. If I export direct the .obj in blender OR Unity, upside down. The way I got the upside down to work is by importing the .obj into Fragmotion (free, but you can encourrage the guy 30$), then RESAVE in .obj. Import in blender, voilà, the mesh show properly.

But my other problems are not solved.