How to create performant realistic grass in Unity 2022.16

Hello and thanks for reading my post. I was wondering if there are any Unity 2022 users out there that could give me some advice on creating realistic grass? I have tried several asset packs from the asset store and they all create what looks like “patches” of grass. What I’m looking for is the kind of blades of grass that you would see on someone’s lawn for example. I’m also using Vegetation Studio Pro and Nature Renderer, so any asset/system that works well with them would be great. Thanks for any advice.

Why do you need to render each individual blade of grass on a lawn?

instead of a card that has many grasses you just use a card that has one grass. Using instancing that you get from vegetation studio you can have millions without a problem. Only need a black/white map for the alpha, or you can probably just use a few more triangles to make a basic grass shape and then not need any textures at all, just apply a basic gradient color in material.

match color closely with terrain texture and then you can cull grass somewhere between 10-50m and it wont be too visible. Obviously dont cast shadows with the grass.

How much realistic? :slight_smile:
There are many ways to make grass, from the simplest to the advanced (with simulated wind, object collision and features you may not need), for a comparison of base techniques you can have a look to this video and repo.