It says to place the Popup.cs script into my Standard Assets/Scripts folder, and if I don’t have one, make one. Okay, maybe I’m slow, but WHERE should I make this? In my Unity application directory? In my project folder? I’ve tried both and it doesn’t seem to help.
When I try to run the PopupListUsageExample.js, I keep getting an error that says Unknown identifier: ‘Popup’… Most likely because the C# script isn’t in the right place, or maybe I haven’t imported it correctly… But I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
Can anyone out there explain how to implement Popup in further detail?
Since a script is an asset and all assets have to be inside the Assets folder you should create the “Standard Assets” folder in your Assets folder btw: never fidle with the folders in your OS you should do all file movements in Unity itself. When you move a file in your OS’s explorer / finder you might break the asset connections inside your project.
If you still have trouble with the naming or where to put it, you can just import a unity package with some standard assets like the CharacterController package. Just click in the menu Assets → Import Package → CharacterController. Those assets are located in the Standard Assets folder so after importing you have this folder
I am using unity 4, i did all the steps… Importing a package to force unity to create the Standard Assets folder/Scripts (i tryed doing myself too). And no mather if i put Popup.cs there or any other folder.
Unity still say “Unknown identifier: ‘Popup’.”
Shall i activate any option on the script to make the identifier indexed by unity?