I’m fairly beginner and working on a dungeon generator which resembles the binding of Isaac. I’ve been following this tutorial:.
and have made something similar. my question is - how do I create one “special room” on the floor that is a different colour to the rest? The special room must also only have one door opening on it.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help with this.
This is not a 2d question, so don’t expect many answers… this is a scripting question.
One way is to store location and connections of you rooms when you generate them. Then after first pass of room generation is done, do a second pass, where you find a room location that suits your purpose. Place the (special) room and connect it to a room next to it.
I checked the first minute of the tutorial, it seems this tutorial shows you how to store data about rooms in room class instances, so you probably don’t need to do much to get this working.