How to create sprites, programatically without using prefeb?

Well . . I have looked for quite a bit long but everywhere i get the same answer which is what specifically don’t wanna do.

Here is my problem case.

I have different-different type of images for different - different sprites. and i am not certain that how much different sprites(images) i will have to show. So, i gotta create the sprites and apply textures programatically at runtime.

Now, I defiantly can’t use prefebs because it will restrict me with the number of different sprites i can use. and also, changing texture on one sprite prefeb instance in game, will change all the sprites prefeb, thats not acceptable in my case.

Is there a way i can create sprites without having to create static prefeb ?

where ever i looked for the solution everytime i got the same answer “create a prefeb”, which is what can not be done in my case.

please guide me in the right direction.

Hi explain a little more your problem. I don’t know if it help you but you can create textures with noise or other mathematic method.

Here an exemple to learn if you want : Texture Generation using Random Noise