I don’t know if this is possible, but I figured i’d ask anyway. I have an 8x8 image, and I’m wondering if while the game is running I can crop out the image so only the 1x8 column on the rightmost part of the image is showing. (Deleting the pixels located in the 7x8 area of the leftside of the image) BTW, resizing the image so it is the size of a 1x8 column is not ideal for my situation.
Try using UI image, change the image type to Filled, change the fill method to Horizontal, change the Fill origin to Right ,change the Fill amount to 1/8 or 0.125.
image.GetComponent<Image>().fillAmount = .125f;
You can define a 1x8 sprite (and 2x8 etc.) on your 8x8 image. Then at runtime you just have to chose which sprite you want to display.