Hey y’all,
I was wondering if it was possible to customize the editor in such a way that, given an array of script (a) in script (b), I could edit each iteration of script (a)'s public variables.
To exemplify, let’s say we have these two scripts:
var stringVar : String;
var intVar : Int;
function Start(){
function Update(){
var intArray : int[]; var scriptArray : TestScript[];
function Start () {
Normally, I’d get something like this out of that:
I was curious of how to get it to behave like this (masterful MS Paint skills):
I took a bit of time last week to learn a bit about custom editor GUIs, but don’t know quite enough to handle this. I do feel like it’s possible (and probably common). Of course, using straight up “TestScript” is most likely bad form since the editor is expecting there to be an object with the script I think, but maybe I’m wrong.
Any thoughts? I’d love to hear from the community!