How to deal with multiple IEnableable components in IJobEntity

Hi. I have an architype taht has two IEnableable components A and B. In a IJobEntity, i just want to query all entities with A enabled and set B to true, no matter B is originally true or not

One workaround is using a componentlookup< B> field, instead of using enableRefRW< B> parameter. But this seem inefficient. Ideally, i can ignore the state of B specifically so that i can use enableRefRW< B> as parameter and enable it in execution.

partial struct MyJob: IJobEntity
     void Execute(EnableRefRW(B) b, OtherComponents oc, ... )
            SomeOperations( ... );
            if ( someConditions )
                  b.ValueRW = true;

     void SomeOperations( ... )

Hi there,

If I understood correctly, you want to build a Query that matches Component A present and enabled, and Component B present (ignore enabled).

If you only need to filter the results in your Query, but do not need access to those components, you could use the .With methods.

// Pseudo-code

Ref. WithAll<T>
Ref. WithPresent<T>

If you need to evaluate it’s state in code, check EnabledRefRO<T> or it’s write counterpart EnabledRefRW<T>

Hope this helps :wink:

Hi, GiantCobayo! Thank you for answering. I want to achieve this

partial struct MyJob: IJobEntity
     void Execute(EnableRefRW(B) b)
            b.ValueRW = true;

But using (EnableRefRW(B) as parameter would filter out those entities with B disabled. That’s what i am struggling with.

You could possibly try [WithDisabled(type)]

Hi, toomasio. Thanks for your reply! Sorry for making you confused. I also need to make other operation s in the Execute() method. These operations will need to apply to those entities with B enabled. If I use [WithDisabled(type)], they will be excluded from the query. I have updated an example in the question. Could you look at the example again?

Gotcha! I missed the IJobEntity part :sweat_smile:

I believe your question was answered here

TL:DR; To read an IEnableableComponent without filtering by its state (true / false), you can do:

public partial struct TestEnabledJob : IJobEntity {
    private void Execute(EnabledRefRW<TestEnabled> testEnabled) {
        testEnabled.ValueRW = !testEnabled.ValueRO;

Note: I tested this on latest (v1.3.9) of Entities package and it’s working.

Yes. The WithPresent attribute works like a charm. Thank you!