How to debug WebGL after build

My project is always working well after building to Win11 Desktop and in Unity real-time renderer window after “play”!

I got this error after my mouse was over the “Helm” or “Life Potion”, The UI was built on the UI toolkit.
Can someone give some tips on how to position the bug came from?

Unity Version 2023.3.0a14

Make a development build, and under Player Settings, enable exception handling with full stacktrace.

It seems the full stacktrace has been opened, white color logs printed below link to a well functionality

these red logs were thrown which means the real bug is.I have no clue where to trace the error from, because there is no function name related to my C# code, especially in this error list.


This call stack does suggest like a possible bug in Unity’s InputSystem package. Reading the call stack, I don’t know what could cause a user programming error to raise an exception inside the InputSystem InputModule code like that - and even if there is one, it would be nice to get the InputSystem package to give a more meaningful and diagnosable error.

I would recommend raising this as a bug report. That way the error message could be improved at least, even if it was something in the user code.

I have back to the stable version 2022.3 and rebuilt again no code was changed!


definitely not a bug we want to see in the newer versions, because it marks a regression!

@noberkli can you open a bug report please so we can take a look? it’d speed this up a lot. (also, great profile pic!)

Sure, the reason why I backed to Stable Version Editor 2022.3 is the latest version is not able to build
either Windows Platform or WebGL, so I deleted that. In addition, Build project also includes fatal bugs.

How to open a bug report to improve Unity?,if%20you%20experience%20a%20crash.


Hi! unityruba Has your team found the main issue of this bug?:hushed:

Bugs don’t go directly to a specific Unity dev from this forum… might want to share the bug case # with the dev.

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@noberkli Do you have the bug case number so we can follow progress on this bug? Thanks!

I am 99% sure this issue is the same as (2023.2.x, 2023.1.x) IndexOutOfRangeException in Layout.LayoutManager.DestroyNode when changing UXML

which is being fixed as we speak: Unity Issue Tracker - "IndexOutOfRangeException" in "UIElements.Layout.LayoutManager.DestroyNode" when changing UXMLs

@noberkli if you share the bug report with me, I can test out the fix with your project to see if it resolves your issue as well :slight_smile:

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