How to debug?


Is there any procedure to identify a bug on the iPhone?

The game we are porting compiles fine and runs only sometimes. And when crashing the application just quits.

Running the Xcode debugger this is the breaking line in a file called “asm_abort”…

0x3146148a <+0058> bal.n 0x3146148a <__abort+58>

But we don’t know how to move from here.

Please help!

I was getting much the same error when trying to run a Coroutine from an OnTriggerEnter event…

It turned out to be a type casting problem that the compiler did not report. I would advise to double-check the code to ensure that variables are all being explicitly typed.

Try using ‘#pragma strict’ to get more warnings!

Thanks 0turner0

The problem got solved. Now I don’t remember how but thanks anyway.