Until now I had to code Debug.Log, compile and run from Python win mlagents-learn
command to check variables, functions and so on. This is a very slow process. I was searching about and I found these two options (for Rider):
- “Attach to process”: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/attaching-to-local-process.html#attach-to-local
- Remote debug server: Remote Debugging with PyCharm | PyCharm Documentation
Both options could help in debugging scripts started from outside of IDE, e.g. by Unity in this case. I found that none of them works properly for me. I found my .exe in “Run / Attach to Unity process”, but I can’t see logs, I think I can’t see watchers…
I’m working with a custom env and doesn’t work well by click Run in the editor. Should I change something in my code to do it?
How I should work?