How to delay a line of code.

Hi I need to know how to delay a line of code and heres the code im using its in java.
So heres what I need, I need to delay the transform.Translate for about five seconds, so if you can do this for me it would be so much help. Thanks

var speed : float = 0;

function Update () {

transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,speed) * Time.deltaTime);


EDIT Per Wolfram’s point - my first answer was not a good plan :slight_smile:

However, it strikes me that perhaps you want the speed increase to be delayed by 5 seconds - and then ramp up as it ramped over that period. In which case you need a rollling buffer of the speed value:

 var speeds  = new List.<float>();

 function Update() {
     if(Time.time >= 5) {
         transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,speeds[0]) * Time.deltaTime);

Assuming by “delay” you merely mean “I don’t want it to be executed during the first 5 seconds”, you can do something like this:

function Update () {
        transform.Translate(Vector3(0,0,speed) * Time.deltaTime);

Time.time contains the total time since your game started. If you want to measure the time from a different point (for example, if your Update() is part of an object that is being instantiated), you can store the value in Start() with startTime=Time.time, and then use the difference (Time.time-startTime) in Update.