How do I delete one of the animated properties from inside the animation track on Timeline? “Delete” key deletes the whole animation track. Right-click does not have any context sensitive menu.
Have you tried a double click on the animation clip on the timeline? The clip will be opened in the animation window. You can do all changes there.
Hi @fastgamedev
in record mode, you can right click the proprieties (see inspector) and Remove all keys
note that there is a bug right now that require that you have the playhead over the clip or in between keys. if the playhead is after, the sub-menu will show theses options grayed out
Great, thank you, it worked!
Hi @thierry_unity , there seems to be a bug regarding deleting properties from an animation.
I’m using the Timeline to record a property animation. Properties like position and rotation can be removed using the method you’ve mentioned.
But a boolean property can’t be removed from the animation track.