Im trying to deplete the health of the player by 1 for every second they are in the gassed environment. However with what i have at the moment the health keeps jumping up and down randomly and has left me puzzled as to whats going on.
the code i have so far is as follows:
public var exposure = 802;
function Update ()
if(exposure > -260)
exposure = Time.time - exposure;
//print("bar length " + transform.localScale.x); //check players health.
transform.localScale = new Vector3(exposure / 3000f,0,transform.localScale.z); //change scale of healthbar
if(exposure <= 799)
//print("your in shelter, now your exposure will reganerate"); //check players health.
transform.localScale.x += (exposure / 1275000f); //change scale of healthbar
Anyone know how I might go around fixing this?
Really not sure what your code above is doing . . .But, try this:
var Health : float = 100 ;
function Update ( ){
Health -= 1 * Time.deltaTime ;
You can add in your if statements to determine when this happens .
Also, change the '1 * ’ to 'x * ’ whatever amount per second you want to deduct health.
That will deplete health by 1 every second . That’s all it takes
Hope this helps .
just create a function that yields every 1 second.
this will remove health every 1 second
bool IsRemovingHealth=false;
function Update ()
if(exposure > -260)
if(exposure <= 799)
//print("your in shelter, now your exposure will reganerate"); //check players health.
transform.localScale.x += (exposure / 1275000f); //change scale of healthbar
IEnumerator REmoveHealth()
while(exposure > -260 && isRemovingHealth)
exposure = Time.time - exposure;
//print("bar length " + transform.localScale.x); //check players health.
transform.localScale = new Vector3(exposure / 3000f,0,transform.localScale.z); //change scale of healthbar
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
i wrote it in the web so there maybe some typos.