How to design a game?

Let’s forget code, art, music.
You may have a raw idea of an game.

How do you start designing it?

I close my eyes and start to dream :slight_smile:

Are you asking for advice here, or are you just curious about how others approach game design?

Anyway, there are probably hundreds of steps related to designing a game, but 99% of my ideas only get to the following steps:

  • Think of a cool idea
  • Plan out some different features and gameplay
  • Make a simple prototype, and discover it’s not fun at all.

I’d mostly recommend that it’s not a good idea to pursue any other steps until you’ve made a prototype and learned whether it’s actually fun. With every prototype I’ve made, I was confident beforehand that the idea would be fun. In reality, that’s almost never the case. Rinse, repeat, think of a new idea, and try again. Once you’ve made a prototype that’s fun, you can start worrying about the other steps.

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