How to design your internal levels

Hi guys, how do you design your internal levels? For example dungeon levels or inside a building?

The Unity Editor is great for modelling external levels, but im scratching my head as how to build a house interior. Blender perhaps?

Mostly it’s modelled in 3D program like blender, you can find many tuts on YouTube for that. But you can also do it in ProBuilder for unity, model right inside unity. It might seem a little pricey, but IMHO it’s a steal.

Either you create tileable geometry that you plug together like Legos inside Unity or you use an Editor like ProBuilder (part of the ProTools for Unity set) from the Asset Store. The two workflows also work together.

ProBuilder is awesome. And IIRC there’s also a test version to see if it suits you. :slight_smile:

ProBuilder 2 by ProCore says “This extension requires one license per seat”. Does that mean I need a pro version of Unity to use this asset?

No. It means you need one license per person using it. If you team consists of more people using pro builder you need more licenses.

I use Blender. I save blender file in Unity Project directory and it refreshes in Editor every time I save in Blender.

Thanks the_motionblur! Also, yep, Unity “Pro” is not required at all, maybe we need to clear that up a bit.

Have you seen our fancy new vid? It shows exactly what you are questioning:

Yeah i checked this vid out and was super impressed. I will definately be purchasing it.