How to destroy an enemy spawner in a turned base RPG?

I have a town scene in my game, where the player collides with the battle spawner and then it changes to the battle scene. What I want is to destroy the battle spawner in the town scene when the battle scene has ended. Does anyone have any ideas?

This is the code for the Enemy Spawner:

public class EnemySpawner : MonoBehaviour
    private GameObject enemyEncounterPrefab;

    private GameObject dialogue;

    public bool battleEnded = true;

    private float dialogueSpeed = 100.0f;

    private bool enemyDialogueActive;
    private bool spawning = true;

    public float Timer;

    void Start()
        SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;

        dialogue = GameObject.Find("DialogueGoblins");
        enemyDialogueActive = dialogue.GetComponent<DialogueManager>().dialogueActive;

    void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)

        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            if (!enemyDialogueActive)



    private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)

        if ( == "Battle")
            if (this.spawning)

            SceneManager.sceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;

    void WaitforBattle()
        enemyDialogueActive = false;
        this.spawning = true;


    void OnTriggerExitExit2D(Collider2D other)
        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")

This is the code for the turn system:

public class TurnSystem : MonoBehaviour {

	private List<UnitStats> unitsStats;

	private GameObject playerParty;

	public GameObject enemyEncounter;

	private GameObject goblinSpawner;
	private GameObject actionsMenu, enemyUnitsMenu;

	void Start() {

		this.playerParty = GameObject.Find ("PlayerParty");
		this.goblinSpawner = GameObject.Find("GoblinSpawner");

		unitsStats = new List<UnitStats> ();
		GameObject[] playerUnits = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("PlayerUnit");
		foreach (GameObject playerUnit in playerUnits) {
			UnitStats currentUnitStats = playerUnit.GetComponent<UnitStats> ();
			currentUnitStats.calculateNextActTurn (0);
			unitsStats.Add (currentUnitStats);
		GameObject[] enemyUnits = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("EnemyUnit");
		foreach (GameObject enemyUnit in enemyUnits) {
			UnitStats currentUnitStats = enemyUnit.GetComponent<UnitStats> ();
			currentUnitStats.calculateNextActTurn (0);
			unitsStats.Add (currentUnitStats);
		unitsStats.Sort ();

		this.actionsMenu.SetActive (false);
		this.enemyUnitsMenu.SetActive (false);

		this.nextTurn ();

	public void nextTurn() {
		GameObject[] remainingEnemyUnits = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("EnemyUnit");
			if (remainingEnemyUnits.Length == 0 )




		GameObject[] remainingPlayerUnits = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("PlayerUnit");
		if (remainingPlayerUnits.Length == 0) {

		UnitStats currentUnitStats = unitsStats [0];
		unitsStats.Remove (currentUnitStats);
		if (!currentUnitStats.isDead()) {
			GameObject currentUnit = currentUnitStats.gameObject;

			currentUnitStats.calculateNextActTurn (currentUnitStats.nextActTurn);
			unitsStats.Add (currentUnitStats);
			unitsStats.Sort ();

			if (currentUnit.tag == "PlayerUnit") {
				this.playerParty.GetComponent<SelectUnit> ().selectCurrentUnit (currentUnit.gameObject);
			} else {
				currentUnit.GetComponent<EnemyUnitAction>().act ();
		} else {
			this.nextTurn ();

	public void WaitThenNextTurn() {

	private IEnumerator WaitThenNextTurnRoutine() {
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.5f);

	public void destroySpawner()


Option 1. You could use a static variable to toggle the state of the battle spawner from outside of the town scene.

Option 2. Create an object to hold the state of the spawner which persists between scenes

Option 3. Create a scriptable object to hold the state of the spawner.