How to destroy instantiated object

I have use Asset Bundles. From them i try to load a model (eg monkey) and a texture (same name). Now when i load them i look at the profiler and see that the mesh count increases by 1 and the materials increase by 1 or 2 depending on how many there are. So when i no longer need the model (eg when it leaves the screen) i call destroy(m3dModel) on it but I check that my mesh and my material and my texture count stay the same aswell as the total memory allocated. Now normally this would not be a problem but I have 350 models and since i build for android the application will crash after too much data has been allocated.

I have tried to destroy all textures and everything but it does not change. I even went about destroying each component in a for loop and it still stays the same. Can anyone help me with this. Its kinda annoying that Unity objects are not actually destroyed when I call destroy on them.

You have to unload your loaded bundle.
