i want to make objects fall in the background just like tree papers , i didn’t apply polygon collider 2d property for them but they will keep falling for infinity , and if i apply this property to them , they will hit with the trigger and the other objects (which i apply polygon collider to them) and it will be stupid, so is there any idea for this ? is there any way to destroy them without using OnTriggerEner2d function and destroy ?
Are they just for decoration? Tree leaves?
Could use particle system,
or Destroy with time delay parameter,
or check their Y position and move back to random position (no need to destroy if they keep falling again…)
Tree leaves yes just for decoration , how can i use time delay parameter ? would you tell how to code it please
Destroy (gameObject, 5);
i know it , but i dont know how i forgot to use it thx btw