I have a little project on Unity 6000.0.0f1, created on Universal 3D SRP, where I’m using InputSystem and UI Toolkit (or they call it Unity UI now?). Recently I started working on UI. And I noticed: nothing worked… There was a lot of googling to solve, and nothing. After creating a few new projects and testing I check all, every line in settings, all objects in project, one by one…
To make things I have my custom InputActions:
See this little button here?
There is your assassin! Do not touch it. Assigning custom InputActions as Project-wide will kill events somewhere somehow related on default InputActions (Assets/InputSystem_Actions). You deleted default InputActions because you have your own? There is no turn back in that case. Actually no, you can import it from another project and assign it back. Simple, but hard to guess.
Maybe it is not a problem with InputSystem. InputActions is just a json file with some default bindings.
UI Toolkit Event Debugger attached to GameView shows active events in both cases, which means this is not an Editor problem. Strange things happens only in runtime, inside game.
As one man once say: “It’s just works”