my RayCastHit2D only detects collision on the end point when using mouse position and when i move far away from the object with collider or cause the object to intersect the raycast midway it. how do i detect collisions that along the RaycastHit2D line.
this is the code from the script which is called from a FixedUpdate method:
public Camera cam;
public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
public Transform firePoint;
var mousePos = (Vector2)cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(0, firePoint.position);
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, mousePos);
Vector2 direction = mousePos - (Vector2)transform.position;
RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast((Vector2)transform.position,direction.normalized,direction.magnitude);
if (hit)
lineRenderer.SetPosition(1, hit.point);
Platform2Handler target = hit.transform.GetComponent<Platform2Handler>();
if (target != null)
// switch here is called from another script that just switches certain objects with another every time the raycast hits.
so i know i need to callculate the point where the line intersects with a collider regardless of where the mouse position but how to do that i have no idea. and the other issue might be fixed from the previous issue, why is the lineRenderer detecting the collider at the end point but when i move the end point far away the line just goes through it.