How to detect collision side in 2d tile blocks game?

Hello I have problem detecting collision side on my blocks. I have world made from 2d blocks and I have player which I can controll ! I want to be able to destroy blocks when there is collission with player + BUTTON E is pressed ! Right now if my player is colliding with 2 blocks at the same time and if I press E BUTTON bouth blocks are destroyed ! So what I want is to destroy only one block at the time !
For example if player is moving right and it has obstacle block I want to destry it when E is pressed but at the same time if there is one more block under player then keep that botom block and destroy only one which is on right side - how to make this happen ? How to detect collision side on my blocks like collision was from left side or right or up or down?
Please help42023-untitled-1.png

you can use raycast to detect blocks on your sides when you hold right button and press E and then destroy it.

something like this:

   RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(player_position, Vector2.right, boxlayer);
