I want to perform different actions on the single and double click of GUI button but I am getting trouble with that. Help me ?? how to detect double click on GUI button??
One way is to keep a record of the last clicked button (just make up numbers) and the time. Check “Was I clicked 1/2 sec ago” when you’re clicked, otherwise save your # and time:
int lastButNum=-1;
float lastClickTime=-99;
const float D_CLICK_DELAY = 0.25f; // how long between d-click clicks
// button #1:
if( GUI.Button...) {
if(lastClickTime > Time.time - D_CLICK_DELAY && lastButNum==1)
// double-click
else {
// highlight or something
lastClickTime=Time.time; lastButNum=1; // wait for 2nd click
Then all of your buttons, even ones that don’t have double clicks, need to reset lastButNum (So I can’t click A, B, A and have it count as a double-click on A, but what are the odds?)
You can’t do that. What you can do is create a cube(which will become your button), add a collider and detect the double click on the collider.