How to detect if a raycast ray stop hitting an object

Hi, I need a way to understand in c# when a ray stop hitting an object.

RaycastHit boostHit;
		Vector3 bottom = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.down);
		bool prevFinishLane = finishLane;
		if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, bottom, out boostHit)) {
			if (boostHit.collider.tag == "Start") {
				finishLane = true;
			} else {
				finishLane = false;
			if (boostHit.collider.tag == "Boost") {

				GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot (boostSound);
				GameManager.Instance.SetCheckedBoost (GameManager.Instance.GetCheckedBoost () + 1);
				Debug.Log ("Boosts: " + GameManager.Instance.GetCheckedBoost ());

				if (boostTimer == 0.0F) {
					boost = true;
					maxSpeed = GameManager.Instance.GetBoost ();
					accel = 20.0F;

//			if (boostHit.collider.tag == "Brackes") {
//				prevSpeed = speed;
//				GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot (brackesSound);
//				if (decelTimer == 0.0F) {
//					brakeDecel = true;
//					decel = 40.0F;
//				}
//			}
		else {
			finishLane = false;

That’s why in this way the boost collider returns a lot of fires. I need that the event returns only one impulse per passage. (Boost). So I thought to detect when tha ray leaves the object instead of when the ray hits the object…
But I can’t code that…

Thanks Guys!!
It works great!

Here it is the complete solution:

public bool boost;
public boot gotBoost;
public float boostTimer;

// Other Speed, Audio and Accel Vars

void Start () {

	boost = false;
	gotBoost = false;
	boostTimer = 0.0F;

	// Other Speed add ACcel Assignment

void FixedUpdate () {

	RaycastHit boostHit;
	Vector3 bottom = transform.TransformDirection (Vector3.down);

	if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, bottom, out boostHit)) {

		if (boostHit.collider.tag == "Boost")
				gotBoost = true;     
				GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot (boostSound);
				GameManager.Instance.SetCheckedBoost (GameManager.Instance.GetCheckedBoost () + 1); // Update from the GameManager the count of the taken boosts
				Debug.Log ("Boosts: " + GameManager.Instance.GetCheckedBoost ()); // Print in console the taken boosts
				if (boostTimer == 0.0F) 
						boost = true;
						maxSpeed = GameManager.Instance.GetBoost (); // Get from the GameManager the current ship’s max speed
						accel = 20.0F;
			else {
				gotBoost = false;


	if (boost)
		boostTimer += Time.deltaTime;
		if(boostTimer >= 5.0f)
			boost = false;
			boostTimer = 0.0F;
			maxSpeed = defaultMaxSpeed;
			accel = defaultAccel;
			decel = defaultDecel;

See ya soon!