How to detect key press when GUI.TextField has focus?


I am having a lot of trouble with detecting whether the user has pressed the Enter key while a TextField has focus. When Enter is pressed the text in the TextField should be sent (I am making a chat).

However, I am not able to detect the key press in the first place. Obviously, Input.GetKeyDown does not work, since the TextField has focus. I have instead tried the following, which works perfectly fine in the Unity editor, but not when building the application:

private bool enterPressed = false;

void OnGUI()
    Event e = Event.current;
    if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.Return)
        enterPressed = true;

        enterPressed = false;

I know that in previous versions of Unity you could use:

Input.eatKeyPressOnTextFieldFocus = false;

Apparently this has been changed.

Any suggestions?

Use a temporaly string to save text from GUI.TextField.

You can use Regex(Class) to check regular expression.

And can use String.Constains or String.IndexOfAny to detect new line key pressed.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour {

	int maxCharacters = 30;

	string textField="";
	bool textFieldEnabled = true;
	Rect position = new Rect(20,20,200,30);

	//Regex Url = new Regex("[^a-z0-9]");
	Regex regularExpression = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$");
	char[] newLine = "


	/*Regular expression, contains only upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores.

		 * ^ : start of string
		[ : beginning of character group
		a-z : any lowercase letter
		A-Z : any uppercase letter
		0-9 : any digit
		_ : underscore
		] : end of character group
		* : zero or more of the given characters
		$ : end of string


	void OnGUI(){


			string str = GUI.TextField(position,textField,maxCharacters,;

			//This methods no detect new line using string variable
			//string str = GUI.TextField(position,textField,maxCharacters); 
			//string str = GUI.TextField(position,textField);


				if(str.IndexOfAny(newLine)!=-1) Action(textField); //New Line detected
				else textField = str; //All OK, copy

			} else Debug.Log("Irregular expression detected");



	void Action(string str){

		textFieldEnabled = false;
		Debug.Log("New Line Detected");

