I am making a game like any hacking minigame or pipe dream you drag pieces into a grid and whats supposed to happen is it adds a point so once everything is placed correctly a message comes up and says you win. I have it attached to the tag of forward left and rights this being the parents of the objects representing the grid. the issue i am facing is that each second its on the piece it adds a point.
public bool place;
public int score;
public Text countText;
void Start () {
place = false;
score = 0;
void Update () {
if (transform.parent.tag == "Forward")
Debug.Log("this is working");
place = true;
score = score + 1;
Debug.Log("this is not working");
place = false;
void SetCountText()
countText.text = "Count: " + score;
whats the problem here. I dont know