How to detect TextField submit on iOS/iPad?

If I build for Mac/PC, pressing enter on after typing in a uitoolkit TextField will fire a NavigationSubmitEvent, and I can then process the input text, which is expected. However, when building on iPad, pressing the ‘done’ button on the keyoard that pops up does NOT fire a NavigationSubmitEvent.

Is there an event for when you hit the done button on the iPad keyboard, or any other way of detecting when you submit text on an iPad? I tried FocusOutEvent, and it seems to work, but it is not ideal for what I’m trying to do.

Also, is there a way to listen for all events that get fired on a TextField, or other uitoolkit elements? This way I could determine everything that is/isn’t getting fired, and create callbacks based on that.


Still dealing with this. Tested NavigationSubmitEvent, FocusInEvent, FocusOutEvent, BlurEvent on a TextField and each of its children (TextInput and TextElement) on iPad. NavigationSubmitEvent does not seem to be sent on any of the elements. (on Mac and PC all the events work, including NavigationSubmitEvent, at the expected times).

I sort of mentioned it, but my best guess is that the ‘Done’ button on the iPad keyboard (appears where the enter key would normally be) isn’t considered the same as the ‘Enter’ key, and so when you press it, it doesn’t send a submit event (or some type of issue involving the ‘Done’ key similar to that).

I don’t know if people will be able to see this comment, but is there anything else I should try? It looks like this is a bug, or at least a bad inconsistency, although my use case is different from most in that I want to submit by pressing enter (or done, in this case), as opposed to closing the keyboard, and hitting a uxml button to submit.