How to detect where particles came from

Hi, so I am making a tower defense game and I am making it so my particles shoot out of a tower, and when those particles hit the object, it does damage to it. I got that down but now I am trying to make it so you can upgrade the towers. I got it so the upgraded towers get placed down but the problem is the enemy only cares about hits from a tower with the script tower on it. So I made a script called towerlevel2 that does more damage than just the regular tower script. So how do I make it so that enemy knows how much damage to do based on which tower shot it. Thanks! Here is the script that does damage to the enemy:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class EnemyTrigger : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] int hitPoints;
[SerializeField] GameObject explosion;
[SerializeField] EnemyMovement enemyMovement;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem hit;
[SerializeField] GameObject atEndParticles;
[SerializeField] float waitToDestroyAtEnd;
[SerializeField] AudioClip hitSFX;
[SerializeField] AudioClip explosionSFX;
[SerializeField] AudioClip shootSFX;
TextController textController;
PlayerHealth playerHealth;
Tower tower;

public bool isDead = false;
bool atEnd = false;

void Awake()
    tower = GameObject.Find("Tower").GetComponent<Tower>();
    textController = GameObject.Find("Text Controller").GetComponent<TextController>();

void OnParticleCollision(GameObject other)
void Damage()
    GetComponent<AudioSource>().PlayOneShot(hitSFX, 5);
    hitPoints = hitPoints - tower.damagePerHit;

void Explode()
    if (hitPoints <= 0)

        BoxCollider enemyBoxCollider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider>();
        enemyBoxCollider.enabled = false;
        isDead = true;
        enemyMovement.isMoving = false;
        textController.points = textController.points + textController.pointIncrease;
        textController.scoreText.text = textController.points.ToString();
        Invoke("Destroy", 1f);
void Destroy()
void OnTriggerStay()
    atEnd = true;
    Invoke("CheckIfDead", waitToDestroyAtEnd);
void CheckIfDead()
    if (isDead == true)
    else if (isDead == false && atEnd == true)
        GameObject spawnedParticles = Instantiate(atEndParticles, gameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
        Destroy(spawnedParticles, waitToDestroyAtEnd);
        playerHealth = GameObject.Find("Friendly_Base").GetComponent<PlayerHealth>();


I’d say, never self destruct objects. Have some other class handle the logic of it. And since you do that, you can also move the call to damage to the new class, which would know who initiated the damage.