How to develop a Candy Crush type of game..

Hi… I have worked on several Unity Projects… Now I have planned to develop a Candy Crush type of game… but I have no idea how to even start.
I want to know…

  1. How to make the grids/cells that will contain the Candies
  2. How to give a hint to the user to make a swipe that will successfully get three or more candies in a row
  3. How to make entry of the new Candies in cells
  4. On the start shud I give the candies a random position???
    Plz help … thanks :slight_smile:

Here are some example projects which are available from the Unity asset store:

1. How to make the grids/cells that will contain the Candies

There are many ways in which you could achieve this. One way would be to create a “Candy Map” game object with a custom MonoBehaviour which maintains an array of candies.

public CandyMap : MonoBehaviour {
    // 2D array representing candies.
    private CandyBehaviour[,] map = new CandyBehaviour[10,10];


2. How to give a hint to the user to make a swipe that will successfully get three or more candies in a row

Write a function which searches through the grid for the first valid move. Then provide some sort of animation on the affected candies.


// List of candy behaviours for hint move.
private Vector<Candy> hintMove = new Vector<Candy>();

public const int MinimumChainLength = 3;

public bool ShowHint() {
    if (!FindHint()) {
        // No possible moves were found!

    // Show particles, or otherwise animate candies:
    foreach (var candy in hintMove) {

// Function which searches for match of at least `MinimumChainLength`.
public bool FindHint() {
    int rowCount = map.GetLength(0);
    int columnCount = map.GetLength(1);

    // Search rows.
    for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row) {
        // Search for chain.
        for (int chainStart = 0; chainStart < columnCount - searchChainSize; ++chainStart) {
            // Add initial cell in chain.
            hintMove.Add(map[row, chainStart]);

            for (int nextInChain = chainStart + 1; nextInChain < columnCount; ++nextInChain) {
                if (map[row, nextInChain].Color == hintMove[0].Color)
                    hintMove.Add(map[row, nextInChain]);
            // Was a chain found?
            if (hintMove.Count >= MinimumChainLength)
                return true;
    // Search columns.
    for (int column = 0; column < columnCount; ++column) {
        // Search for chain.
        for (int chainStart = 0; chainStart < rowCount - searchChainSize; ++chainStart) {
            // Add initial cell in chain.
            hintMove.Add(map[chainStart, column]);

            for (int nextInChain = chainStart + 1; nextInChain < rowCount; ++nextInChain) {
                if (map[nextInChain, column].Color == hintMove[0].Color)
                    hintMove.Add(map[nextInChain, column]);
            // Was a chain found?
            if (hintMove.Count >= MinimumChainLength)
                return true;
    // No chain was found, so clear hint.
    return false;

3. How to make entry of the new Candies in cells


public void RandomInit(int rowCount, int columnCount) {
    map = new Candy[rowCount, columnCount];
    for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
        for (int column = 0; column < columnCount; ++column) {
            // Fill square with random candy.
            var candy = CandyPool.SpawnRandom();
            map[row, column] = candy;
            // Position candy within grid (assumes size of 1x1 unit).
            candy.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(column, row, 0f);

The above examples are very simple, but will hopefully provide some idea as to how such a game could be created.

Hi, try this link : Αρχική -

Its a complete tutorial including source code as well as a sample of the game.

If you are interested to develop a game like candy crush and don’t know how to get source code of this type game. I want you to suggest buy this code in sale rate. You don’t need to disappoint because you can easily reksin it make fresh own game in just few days. Give your best experience.

Here a full tutorial:

I’m sure It’ll be helpful!