Like a title, How to disable automatic change scene on client?
I have NetworkLobbyManager, I want, when I Stop a Host then on Client show popup “Disconnect” and button “Ok”, press “Ok” to return Lobby Scene
Sorry, my english grammar is very bad
You could possibly leave the offline scene on the NetworkManager empty, have an additional variable for your scene and do the transition manually. Haven’t tested this though.
In my case I’ve wanted to let the players stay in the game, while the game is over and the scores are displayed. This also means that the client objects should not be destroyed, but not receive any updates. Should be quite tricky to get this right and I haven’t been able to do so yet.
Have a look at the Networking sourcecode about NetworkMigrationManager and NetworkManager. It stops the clients from returning to the offline scene if a game is still running while it looks for a new host. You would need some extra work to stop it disabling client objects though
Quite old topic, but seems that the only thread at this forum.
I used this approach - link , but seems it doesn’t work for clients end when server had been disconnected/left the game. In that case client get
ClientDisconnected due to error: Timeout
lobbyScene/offlineScene set to “” for sure, but somehow getting that message client scene changed back to lobby scene.
Any ideas why that happens and how to handle that case?